Sunday, May 02, 2010

Listening to band pieces make me... I don't know how to put it, its not to the extent of crying but I'll really miss playing with the band alot. Our band isn't a very good one, we didn't have any significant performances, nor did we achieve anything great, but we still played music.

To audiences, music is only music if it moves the heart but to the player (to me, at least), its the the joy of playing a song with so many other instruments, listening to the blend or how different sections get to play significant parts at different portions of the songs (not forgetting the dynamics).

When will I ever get the chance to play with an entire band again? Yes, I can continue learning the flute but it'll be so different.

Actually, I'm really glad I picked up the flute on my own in a year and 2 months. I'm (rather) satisfied with the progress I've made on my own. (though I could've practised more by actually playing when I get home). I've got people around me to thank for telling me where I stand, and I guess its because of the slight advantage of having a musical background, and most importantly my passion for it. To the other "non-bandbackground" members (if you're reading), hurray us!

Hymn to the infinite sky (beautiful song)

Overture no. 1 for windband (SYF 2009 set piece)

Fantasy on a Japanese Folk song.

The very first song which made me fall in love :)
Before that it was classical music all the way

My greatest wish is to play with a band someday. (after I can play the flute much better, of course). Its like falling in love but never falling out of it. It sounds exaggerated but I feel the strong urge to play while listening to band pieces. The passion will never die (not forgetting about my piano too) :D

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